The ABSC is committed to keeping mattresses out of landfill and establishing a viable mattress recycling network. Mattress recycling is a high-cost operation with low return. A mattress cannot be 100% recycled in Australia and the materials currently recovered from mattresses have limited resale value. We are working on:

  • new solutions for end-of-life mattress materials
  • supporting existing mattress recyclers to expand their services to mattress retailers, councils and consumers.

What is ABSC Approval for Mattress Recyclers?

ABSC approval is available to mattress recyclers who ensure safe and environmentally responsible collection, storage and recovery of end-of-life mattresses and their component materials.

ABSC approval is not currently offered to organisations that reskin¹ or refurbish² mattresses; however, as the Scheme further evolves, the ABSC will work to develop industry standards to close this gap in line with The Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Waters’ stance on the right to repair and reuse legislation. If you do refurbish mattresses, please contact us to discuss further.

¹Reskinning is the practice of putting a new cover over an old mattress including over the old outer layer.

²Refurbishing is the practice of inspecting a used mattress for its suitability for reuse and cleaning it or taking off the old outer layer and replacing it with a new outer layer.

ABSC approved for mattress recycling

The following organisations are approved by the ABSC and we encourage retailers, manufacturers, councils and consumers to use their services:

The Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority (AHRWMA) collects mattresses from its constituent councils and the public. It aims to provide a convenient, cost-effective means of disposing of unwanted bedding materials. Mattresses are shredded to recover ferrous metals which are recycled locally. AHRWMA hopes to increase the percentage of recovered materials whilst still ensuring accessibility for the local community.

To find out more go to

Atlas Soils provide the integration of mattress shredding and separation of steel services with other waste shredding services including organics, white goods, solar panels, tyres, and concrete. Based in Townsville, North Queensland, Atlas Soils has the mobile and licensed capacity to process anywhere in Queensland.

To find out more go to

Bedundo mattress disassembling and segregation services are dedicated to help regional shires across Western Australia. Their on-site, hands-on approach ensures efficient, quiet, and clean mattress disassembly, with a strong focus on fire safety.

From the northernmost communities to the southernmost towns and cities, they support councils, waste facilities, and transfer stations in optimising waste processing and sustainability efforts. Together, they will create local jobs, support communities, and reduce landfill waste—building a cleaner, greener future for Western Australia.

To find out more go to

Bounce Back Mattress Recycling use a manual dismantling method to ensure the maximum recovery of steel, foam and timber and provide employment with a focus on ability and inclusion. Bounce Back provide tailored collection services for residential, council and commercial customers and any quantity of mattresses in the Greater Adelaide area. Country and regional South Australian residents are recommended to contact their local councils for options.

To find out more go to

CDS Recycling provide mattress and soft furnishing shredding services to considerably reduce landfill volume and recover the steel components. They provide services to councils, commercial operations, retailers and residential customers throughout Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

To find out more go to

EnviroBeds works with local councils, retailers, hotels, hospitals, and private residences to collect unwanted mattresses for recycling so they don’t end-up in landfill. One mattress at a time, they’re working to make a difference and take the hassle out of getting rid of old mattresses. Based locally in Sydney, Envirobeds service all of Sydney Metro, Greater Sydney, Campbelltown, Blue Mountains, Northern Beaches and Southern Suburbs.

To find out more go to

JLW Services Pty Ltd is a proudly Australian-owned family business with over a decade of experience in bulk haulage, resource recovery, and recycling. Known for their innovative and “thinking outside the box” approach, JLW has been delivering sustainable waste management solutions since 2014.

Their collections and resource recovery sites are currently based in all Australian states and territories, except the NT. With a strong asset base, JLW offers speedy collections, on-site processing, and transportation services nationwide.

To find out more email Brett Allan -

KTS Recycling provide a mattress and soft furnishing shredding service to recover steel to council and commercial customers in Victoria and southern New South Wales. WM Waste Management Services provide the collection service of mattresses to be recycled by KTS Recycling.

To find out more go to

Liverpool City Councils ‘Croc’ Mattress Shredder offers swift and economical mattress shredding to other councils and private companies in the bedding industry. Based in South-Western Sydney, the facility is ready to shred mattresses across a range of volumes, with prices per unit set for both delivered to their site, or picked up from yours – their ‘Croc Cage’ option. Liverpool City Council is strongly driven by circular economy principles, aiming to divert the maximum possible material from landfill and use it productively. Talk to their team today regarding your mattress shredding needs.

To find out more go to

Soft Landing Mattress Recycling is a national social enterprise that collects and manually dismantles mattresses for recycling to keep the maximum amount of waste out of landfill and to create jobs for people experiencing barriers to work. Soft Landing operates in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory and services residential, council and commercial customers.

To find out more go to

Sydney Recycling Park provide mattress shredding services to recover steel to council and commercial customers in metropolitan Sydney, Newcastle and ACT. Sydney Recycling Park is part of the Wanless group of companies.

To find out more go to

How to apply for ABSC Approval for Mattress Recyclers

  1. Download and read the Scheme Guidelines and ABSC Code of Conduct.
  2. Download the ABSC Approval for Mattress Recycler Application form.
  3. Return the completed application form, relevant documentation to verify licenses and permits referenced in your application and a signed copy of the ABSC Code of Conduct via email.
  4. The ABSC team will review the application and contact the applicant if further information and a site visit is required.

Benefits of becoming an ABSC Approved Recycler

  • supported by the ABSC for demonstrating leadership in the safe and environmentally responsible management of end-of-life mattresses.
  • featured on the ABSC website
  • promoted to ABSC Scheme members, Industry Partners, stakeholders and consumers
  • invited to participate in recycler network and information sessions
  • supported to use ABSC branding

How do I support mattress recycling?

Mattress recovery, landfill diversion and recycling

Manual dismantling and shredding are the two common approaches to mattress recycling in Australia. 

Manual Dismantling

Manual dismantling is the preferred method of recycling to maximise recovery of sought-after resources used within mattresses. Manual dismantling involves deconstructing and sorting carefully by hand the materials that can be recycled such as steel and Polyurethane (PU) foam. Often, manual dismantling processes are operated by social enterprise and provide jobs and training to people experiencing barriers to employment. The ABSC supports recycling facilities of a social enterprise nature that prioritise ethical, social and environmental outcomes.

Mechanical Shredding

Mechanical shredding of mattresses is a fast and high-volume solution to recover steel and potentially feed waste to energy processes (where available) with the residual shredded foams and fabrics (floc). Waste to energy options for shredded mattress floc are currently limited in Australia but are being piloted in some states. Shredding mattresses can be the most feasible recovery option when mattresses are contaminated, wet or stockpiled in large volumes. Shredding reduces volume in landfill as opposed to burying a complete mattress.

The ABSC is actively seeking solutions to the materials currently not recovered from shredding and encourages organisations that shred mattresses to work with us on finding solutions.

Continuous Improvement

The ABSC takes a continuous improvement approach to mattress recycling. We are at the beginning of our journey and expect to develop higher order solutions for end-of-life mattresses that are both commercially viable and preferenced in the waste hierarchy. The waste hierarchy shows preferences across any product or material in terms of its end-of-life opportunities.